Flora arrived in Mazar-i-Sharif, North Afghanistan, on July 19. She travelled there to join her husband who is honourably employed supervising the building of a mud brick cultural centre. At the moment, Flora is a lady of leisure, but, despite the heat, she is valiantly searching for situations of interest in the environs.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


I was woken on saturday morning by the sound and motion of my bed, rocking from side to side, but not violently. When I opened my eyes, I saw the chandelier swinging two and fro above my head, and heard the walls or window frames doing a certain amount of creaking and whining.
I stayed awake just long enough to realise it was an earthquake, and to hope that the epicentre was somewhere nearby, which would have meant that it was but a baby earthquake.
Alas, as we now know, quite the opposite is true, and I am lucky not to have found myself further east that saturday morning.


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