Flora arrived in Mazar-i-Sharif, North Afghanistan, on July 19. She travelled there to join her husband who is honourably employed supervising the building of a mud brick cultural centre. At the moment, Flora is a lady of leisure, but, despite the heat, she is valiantly searching for situations of interest in the environs.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fruit and fair children

Today I learnt from one of the drivers that women who eat a lot of fruit during pregnancy give birth to fair children. I discovered this when Ed asked this driver to stop to buy me fruit.
He approved my wish, taking it for granted that a newly married couple should be desirous of children, and of fair (-skinned) children in particular. His first three children had all been fair, as he had fed his wife a lot of fruit. This is a sign of tender kindness, also, as women are known to have uniformly sweet teeth. Unfortunately, his next three children were all dark, as fruit had become scarce during the Taliban times. This also explains why there are so many dark children in Mazar now.


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